What are the secrets of a successful, steadfast, and godly faith? Daniel was honored by God, protected, and trusted. His faith did not waver facing those who were against him, serving new kings in power, or even confronting hungry lions. How can you have that kind of faith? Daniel made 20 intentional, key choices in his life. Those choices took him down a path to a close relationship with God and a model for godly living to all around him. Daniel’s choices can be your choices—choices such as:
The choice to trust
The choice to obey
The choice to pray
The choice to worship
The choice to repent
The choice to live humbly
The choice to have courage
The 20 choices will bring you contentment when the world says you are not enough, closeness born of a relationship with God, boldness to share the truth, and peace in times of trial. The Daniel Key will lead you to a life-changing faith.