Friday, March 27, 2015

Five Minute Friday-- Break

BREAK, boy I'd love to catch a break. A rest or a sleep. Maybe even a vacation. ABreak from life and all the issues. A break from all the stress. My friend Amy did her Five Minute Friday on Kit Kat bars and I totally agree "Gimme A Break" :) I kind of feel today like I'm BREAKing down today. BREAK I need a BREAK! Or I think I might have a BREAK down. Lord give me the strength I need until my BREAK comes. Probably not a very good Five Minute Friday, but it sure is how I feel today.


  1. :-) Friend!!
    I hope you take yourself a break!!
    I know things have been quite hectic for you lately!!
    Love ya!

  2. Yes! You deserve a break! I hope that this weekend will be the start of a great stress-free week for you!


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