
Thursday, February 9, 2017

2 Year Blogging Anniversary MYSTERY GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED Winner is Cindy!

Hey Y'all
So I know its been a while since I had a post abut something other than a book review. We have had a ton of things going on these last few months. Y'all know we moved to Mississippi in June of last year, but we spent several months in a rental house while we remodeled a house we bought. Well that took WAY longer than we thought it would so the last few months of this past year were spent moving and  unpacking and trying to do Thanksgiving and Christmas while all this was going on.  We also were without Internet for 2 months. Now I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, and I really didn't think it would be, But y'all I didn't know what to do with myself. I was struggling to keep my reviews up and I could barely get those done in time. If not for a friend of mine I'd have been sunk. 
So long story short or maybe not so short, its been a crazy past few months.

I was watching the Super Bowl  this past Sunday while surfing Facebook (weren't we all) and I saw that my blog anniversary was the day before. I decided after seeing that that'd I'd do a little post about what I've learned these last two years and do a giveaway!

I'm gonna go with a top 3 list of the things I've enjoyed/learned about blogging and reviewing books.

3 Free Books
Image result for lots of books images

Y'all I'm not gonna lie. I love getting free books! It has become almost an addiction. There is just something about getting that package in the mailbox. I love checking the mail now. I'm always so excited to see what's in there. I have actually had to curb my enthusiasm these past few months because I got a little overwhelmed. That picture up there felt like a reality ha ha. Free books are a definite plus but only in moderation Ha!

2. I've read a lot of books!
Image result for lots of books images
Obviously I haven't read as many as in the picture above but hey I have read a lot of books in two years. I believe my total is well over 100. I know 100 may not seem like that much but it is to me, especially in a day and age where books seem to be a thing of the past. I have been able to read genres I may not have read otherwise (more on that later) and as I mentioned earlier lots of new and fantastic authors. My goal each year on GoodReads is 52. I haven't been brave enough to up my goal yet. I really feel like I have grown as a reader and I owe that to reviewing. 

1. New Authors

When I was younger I read Christian fiction but I stuck to usually one author Janette Oke. Don't misunderstand me here because I will always love her and her books but I wanted to highlight the new authors that I have read these past 2 years that I have fallen in love with literary wise. 

 Image result for katie ganshert                         Image result for kristy cambron image            Image result for melissa tagg image

             Katie Ganshert                          Kristy Cambron               Melissa Tagg

Image result for jennifer slattery image       Image result for chris fabry images              Image result for terri blackstock images

Jennifer Slattery                          Chris Fabry                             
Terri Blackstock

These here are just a few of the new authors that have become my favorites. But this post is already forever long so I can only choose a few.

Katie Ganshert is a favorite of mine becuase she isn't afraid to write about real things. Its not fluffy and neat romance. It's everyday life and everyday issues that She uses to point the reader to Christ.

Kristy Cambron is such a fascinating writer. She writes the most beautiful and emotional historical fiction that you just don't want to put down. She wrote such beautiful WW2 fiction that I now have to have everything that she writes!

Melissa Tagg-- Wow! That's all I can say about Melissa. If you are looking for a fun and witty book that will also throw some major emotions at you, then Melissa is for you. I fell in love with Melissa's writing while reading her Walker family series. Trust me you don't want to miss out on her books.

Jennifer Slattery isn't just any ol' author. She writes about such hard core real life issues that sometimes you have to put the book down and absorb what you've read. Don't get me wrong her books are fabulous and there isn't anything inappropriate in them. she just has this way of writing that tugs at your heart and for me I sometimes need a break. If you need something real and raw Jennifer is for you.

Chris Fabry is another one of those heart string pullers that you can't stop reading. You are hooked from page one and you lose sleep trying to find out what's going to happen. Chris will always be a must read for me.  

Terri Blackstock became a favorite when I read her latest book If I Run. She is an edge of your seat suspenseful thriller writer. I couldn't put this book down and now I feel the need to read everything she writes. including the rest of the If I Run trilogy. 

So there you have it My top three things I've enjoyed so far about book reviewing. I have decided to do a giveaway of a few books I have reviewed. 

Tell me something you think you'd enjoy about book reviewing or blogging. If you already review let me know what you've enjoyed or learned.
Follow me on Facebook for an extra entry. 
*these items will be books that I have reviewed. They will be in excellent condition but they have been read. 
Contest ends 2-17-2017  @ 8:00 am Central time
There will be at least 2 books involved in this giveaway. Maybe even more! It's a SURPRISE!
Please leave a valid email for me to contact you if you win.
Reader's Cozy Corner is not responsible for lost or damaged items.
Facebook is not involved in this giveaway in any way. 


  1. I love reading my favorite authors and finding new authors. I love getting to read amazing mysteries, Christian fiction, kids books, and true life stories. Last but not least, I love getting to know other bloggers.

  2. I love reading your reviews...❤
    I also enjoy reading a good book that after i start reading it makes me want to go ahead and read the end😀

    1. Congrats Cindy You Won! was use to draw a winner.

  3. I would love to be able to recommend books that I thought were awesome to others. I agree about Terri Blackstock's latest and enjoy Chris Fabry also ( especially June Bug). I look forward to checking out some of the others you mentioned! Please add me to the giveaway. is my email

  4. I enjoy getting the free books also and reading new authors. Although usually I end up going back to the ones I know.

  5. I enjoy reading lots of different books from different authors. I prefer christian romance or historical romance books :)

  6. I liked u on facebook janetreamesmahurin


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