
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Woman at the Well by Rachel Tucker and GIVEAWAY!

Are you ready for a rigorous spiritual bootcamp? This 4-week intensive Bible Study is about a journey of self discovery. One that will incite and ignite something amazing and wonderful in you. This is the story of how one person's transformation can create a massive wave of change for Jesus Christ in the world.
Buy the Bible study: Amazon
Buy the Leader Guide: Amazon

Author's Bio:
Rachel was born in Dayton Ohio to a already large family of 5. She was the baby of the family, and literally about killed her Mother on her entrance into the world. Rachel was the 5th child to a school teacher and truck driver and soon found herself as a child of a single Mom of 5 who was forced to work 3 jobs to support her children. So Rachel is no stranger to seeing and living what it means to be a virtuous woman, as she watched her Mother do it, and continue to do it. Rachel is a devoted wife, Mother of 4 and Founder of Women at the Well Ministries. She is an author and currently writing her first in-depth Bible Study. She has been the keynote speaker at Mother’s of Israel conference, and several of her local church’s women’s events.

Her passion is studying scripture and then teaching those lessons to others, with the goal that they will then turn around and pay it forward. Her #each one #teach one philosophy is her mission. She is passionate about helping women by giving them tools to help them break strong holds so they can pursue whatever the Lord has for them. So, training them up for the call! That is what spurred her ministry.
She knows that God didn’t create women to just sit around and get pedicures and swap recipes and tackle the dust bunnies everyday, but to be side by side with the men in fighting the war against evil and taking as many people to heaven with them as possible.

She now does life with her best friend, her husband Curt and will tell you, her children are the best kids on the earth. They love to do Bible studies together and love traveling with their family.
If she isn’t at home with her family, you will find her checking something off her bucket list! Her biggest so far would be competing in figure competitions, competing at the Arnold class in fitness, being in a beauty pageant representing her county as Mrs. Miami County in the Mrs. Ohio America pageant, and authoring a 30 day bible study devotional. And, she is only getting started.

She loves to weave her own personal stories in with her message, because she believes she is living her calling day by day, and sometimes it gets pretty funny!

Connect with the author:   Website  ~  Twitter  ~  Facebook  ~  Instagram

Author interview:
How did you research for your book?
Well, I guess you can say I have been doing it everyday for the last 11 years of my life. I went into this Jesus thing both feet in. So, I have been reading and studying scripture everyday since. I never wanted to be a "church playing" Christian. I wanted to grow in wisdom, and that meant, I needed to have knowledge which only comes from the word of God.
If you could put yourself as a character in your book, who would you be?
I would be the Woman at the Well. She is actually what spurred my ministry and this Bible Study, because I relate to her. I was her! That lost woman, looking for love in all the wrong places. Trying to fill that Jesus sized whole in my heart with men, and other things....But after the encounter with Jesus, she too went ALL IN, and went and told everyone about it, (evangelized) which is what I do!
If you're a Mom writer, how do you balance your time?
My husband and I run 2 businesses and a ministry from home. So I have time freedom. My kids are in school all day, so I use that time to do what I need to do. I pride myself on being "present" with my kids. I am not on my phone, I don't even answer my phone when it's "kids" time. I don't talk on the phone while in the car with my kids for a couple reasons. 1. I cannot do 2 things at once. I have ended up lost on the highway one time from trying to talk on the phone and drive. and 2. I don't want my kids to think that the person on the phone is more important than them.
What is your next project?
Probably going to write one on marriage and co-author with my husband. They say, your ministry comes from your greatest wound, and our marriage was pretty messed up those first year's because neither of us had good pictures of what marriage is supposed to be growing up. Our mess became our message!
What is your writing schedule?
To be honest, I wait for inspiration. I wanted my Bible study to be spirit led and not led by my flesh. The Holy Spirit wrote this book. My first book was a little different. I think I rushed through that one! So, I learned my lesson to just let the Lord lead me on this project.

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